The NHVR has revealed that a former transport company director has been convicted and fined in a South Australian court following a lengthy investigation by South Australia Police which uncovered the fact that thousands of driver records had been found destroyed in a chemical bath of weed killer,
TheNHVR said that the former director pleaded guilty for failure to exercise due diligence in complying with a safety duty and was fined $14,000. A Prohibition Order was also imposed for a period of 12 months, excluding the director from engaging in any transport activities. This order is the first Prohibition Order that has been made under the HVNL.
The interstate transport company was also convicted of one count of failing to comply with its safety duty. The court indicated a fine of $120,000 but was reduced to $84,000 due to a guilty plea.
Acting Executive Director Statutory Compliance Belinda Hughes said the court result sent a strong message to the community that company executives who fail to meet their safety obligations will be held to account.
“Through records obtained from the investigation into the transport company, it was identified that the drivers regularly failed to comply with their minimum rest requirements, including false entries into work diaries,” Ms Hughes said.
“Executives in particular must exercise their own personal due diligence obligations to check the company has ensured the safety of its transport activities, including the safety of all workers and independent contractors.”
For more information about NHVR prosecutions, visit https://www.nhvr.gov.au/law-policies/prosecutions