In this issue of Coach & Bus we have a great array of stories, many focussing on those new zero emission power sources. We interview the aforementioned NSW Transport Minister, Andrew Constance about his far sighted vision for a green bus future in the state. While on the same green bent we take a look at Hitachi-ABB’s battery electric solutions for bus fleets, which the global company is currently installing in Brisbane for the revolutionary Metro scheme. Still in the electric arena we look at Optare’s upcoming electric buses and the decade of experience the UK company has in zero emission bus development.
On a more conventional front, we take a close look at the new Fuso Rosa and see how it is likely to reinforce its sales lead in the light bus market, and we head to central west NSW to take a look at the impressive Ogdens Bus fleet and its many Hino buses.
All that and a whole lot more in this issue of Coach & Bus , so enjoy the read and plug into the electric revolution.