The NHVR has announced it has registered a new national code of practice which it has developed in partnership with the Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association (ALRTA) with the aim of reducing the hazards and risks associated with effluent spillage while transport of livestock.
NHVR CEO Sal Petroccitto said the Managing Effluent in the Livestock Supply Chain Code of Practice had been specifically developed by industry for industry, but would have far-reaching benefits for all road users and communities.
“The ‘Effluent Code’ is a practical guide that helps livestock transporters and other parties in the livestock supply chain meet their primary duty and other obligations under the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) when managing livestock effluent during road transport,” Petroccitto said.
“It combines industry knowledge and experience in suggesting measures to minimise effluent loss that can be implemented at each stage of a land transport journey – from preparing livestock for transit to unloading – without impacting animal welfare.
“I’d like to congratulate ALRTA and the other parties involved for addressing this difficult issue and helping make the livestock transport task safer for all road users.”
ALRTA president, Scott McDonald said it had worked with a wide range of stakeholders – including livestock producers, transport operators and drivers, vehicle manufacturers, agents, saleyards, feedlot managers, processors, regulators, animal welfare advocates, government agencies and the community – to develop a code that was both practical and workable.
“Historically livestock transport drivers have been left solely responsible for managing livestock effluent in transit,” McDonald said.
“This code is a game changer because it makes it clear that Chain of Responsibility applies to off-road parties in the livestock supply chain, and articulates the measures they can take to minimise the risk of effluent accumulation and spillage.
“This is a supply chain problem that requires a supply chain solution.
“While the Effluent Code will help to improve road safety, it will also improve animal welfare outcomes, mitigate biosecurity threats and contribute to the sustainability of the livestock industry.”
The NHVR is currently working with stakeholders to develop further industry codes of practice, and welcomes enquiries and suggestions about other new codes.
Note: An industry code of practice provides practical guidance for achieving the standards of heavy vehicle safety and compliance required under the HVNL. In particular, it assists users to comply with their primary duty, which is an overarching safety duty (Chapter 1A, HVNL).
A Registered Industry Code of Practice is relevant to any person or business that has a duty under the HVNL, because they are a party in the CoR for a heavy vehicle, or because they are an executive of a business that is a party in the CoR.