The National Heavy Vehicle Register (NHVR) has issued draft text for Modification Code J4 (Tipper Bodies) in Vehicle Standards Bulletin 6 and advised updated implementation timing.
The body says the changes come after consultation and feedback from the industry, with two versions of the draft J4 code now available for review.
The first is J4 draft 2024 (changes) – this version shows the changes made by the NHVR from the current version of the J4 code.
The second version is J4 draft 2024 (clean) – this version does not show the changes as it is a ‘clean’ version, which makes the proposed wording easier to read and understand.
The version showing the changes also includes some NHVR explanatory comments on items that have been aligned with the requirements of Australian Standards.
HVIA has reviewed the documents against its list of six general and seven specific points (as guided directly by member feedback) provided to the NHVR in 2023 and identified that some of HVIA’s issues have not been addressed.
The HVIA telling us it will follow up on all omissions with the NHVR and seek feedback on any unaddressed points.
Note that an alternative tipping stability calculation method has not been outlined in the draft. HVIA understands it is still under review by the NHVR.
Notwithstanding the above, HVIA calls on all affected members to review the draft J4 code and provide feedback to Adam Ritzinger (a.ritzinger@hvia.asn.au) up to COB Tuesday, April 30, 2024.
The NHVR has also provided HVIA with some informal advice relating to the proposed timing of the draft J4 code.
The NHVR has advised that it will release the new version of J4 on July 1, 2024, but will phase the implementation to allow tipper body manufacturers to transition their designs to the new J4 requirements.
The NHVR has not decided on a final transition date at this stage and will be guided by industry bodies.
Hence, HVIA also seeks feedback on acceptable information timeframes for the transition to the new J4 requirements.