New South Wales has said it will trial a technology solution to congestion by connecting trucks with traffic lights.
The system, which will be introduced to 100 intersections across Sydney, smoothing the flow of traffic and reducing the number of times a truck has to stop at traffic lights throughout the day.
NSW Roads, Maritime, and Freight minister Duncan Gay said trucks take longer to stop and accelerate compared to smaller vehicles, a congestion-creating situation at times, so the trial will see truck drivers receive more green lights.
“This trial will detect a heavy vehicle approaching traffic lights and provide more green time, which will hopefully show us how we can ease delays for all motorists across the whole network in the future,” he says.
“We could potentially expand the use of this kind of technology to emergency vehicles and buses which could improve daily commutes – the opportunities are vast.”
To accommodate the trial, smart infrastructure will be fitted on 110 trucks and on key freight corridors, such as the intersections on Pennant Hills Road, Parramatta Road, and King Georges Road.
The technology comes from local company Codha Wireless, which will fit the Cooperative Intelligent Transport System (CITS) technology in the trucks and open communication between truck and infrastructure.
“The results of this project will inform the way we look at incorporating connected vehicle technology on other vehicles and is a key step towards making Sydney infrastructure-ready for connected and automated vehicles in the future,” Gay says.
To cover any fears of traffic accidents, the intersections will be monitored by the Transport Management Centre, which can override the wireless technology if required.