Thanks to Cummins South Pacific, the Australian Trucking Association is now looking for three young service technicians from Australian workshops to receive full scholarships to attend the 2014 PACCAR & Dealer TMC.
The 2014 PACCAR and Dealer TMC will run from Monday 27 to Wednesday 29 October 2014 at the Automotive Centre of Excellence at the Kangan Institute in Melbourne.
Presented for the third time in 2014, the Cummins scholarships give young workshop staff the opportunity to attend TMC and meet some of Australia’s most experienced workshop and fleet managers.
Cummins Automotive Sales and Customer Support Manager, Col Baker, said the scholarships were a great opportunity for three young technicians to broaden their understanding of the industry, and learn from some very experienced and knowledgeable maintenance people in transport.
“The Cummins partnership with TMC over the last two years has given six young delegates the opportunity to participate in this prime industry forum,” Mr Baker said.
“Acknowledging and developing youth is critical to the success of our industry. The Cummins scholarship is one way to get young technicians engaged in this event and to increase their skill sets.”
Each recipient will receive a full delegate registration to the 2014 PACCAR & Dealer TMC, including attendance at the Castrol Awards Dinner and the PACCAR Parts TMC Funhouse. The scholarship also includes two nights standard hotel accommodation in Melbourne.
To enter, operators should describe in 25 words or less how their young service technician would benefit from attending TMC 2014. Entries should be submitted to ataevents@truck.net.au, along with the nominator’s full contact details.
Any Australian business that employs truck service technicians can put forward a nomination. Nominees must be less than 25 years old. Only one entry will be accepted per business.
The winners will be contacted by phone and published in the ATA’s Friday Facts newsletter. All entries must be received by 5pm Monday 8 September 2014. Entries will be judged by the experts at Cummins. The full terms and conditions are available at www.truck.net.au/public/events/details.
For more information about the 2014 TMC program and to register, visit www.truck.net.au/tmc